• +297 522 6200
  • Weekdays 8:00am - 5:30pm / Saturdays 9:00am-1:00pm

Let's talk about the vehicle you want...

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Stock available exclusively in Manual Transmission

Stock available exclusively in Automatic Transmission

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The field for color tones is intended for color preference. Actual color tones will vary from model to model, and availability on current stock.

Commercial vehicles come in white. Forklifts, Reach trucks and heavy machinery will come in yellow as default.

Tell us about you!

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Want to trade-in your vehicle?

You can bring your vehicle to Garage Centraal Aruba so we can provide you with the trade-in value of your vehicle. We not only provide assessment based on the specification of the vehicle, but we also evaluate the vehicle condition in order to provide a fair value to your car.

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About Garage Centraal

The goal of Garage Centraal Aruba is simple: that everyone that needs a vehicle is able to have a vehicle that satisfies their needs and expectations, with expert service and parts support. We offer award winning quality vehicles from Hyundai, Isuzu and Volkswagen, along with an extensive catalog of pre-owned vehicles.

We are open from 8:00am till 5:30pm on weekdays and saturday from 8:00 to 12:00pm. Come visit us or call us at 522-6200
